The Global Adventure Makes History

Posted by Keith on February 26, 2007 at 8:23 pm  

First Offshore Regularly-Scheduled Broadcast
From a Private Ship at Sea!

January 25, 2007 – In Mexican Waters 15 Miles Southeast of San Diego

Precisely as scheduled, from 8-11 AM, on Sunday, February 25, 2007, Keith and crew successfully broadcast The Keith DeGreen Global Adventure Radio Show to Arizona’s most popular talk radio station – NewsTalk 550 – KFYI while 15 miles offshore!

The broadcast was transmitted from aboard The Global Adventure while at sea. Specifically, the ship was about 15 miles southeast of San Diego, in Mexican waters, near a rocky landmass called ‘South Coronado Island.’

“To our knowledge, this is the first time ever a regularly-scheduled radio show was successfully broadcast from a private ship at sea,” Keith DeGreen said.

“We wanted to be well away from where cells phones or WIFI worked”, said Captain Wolf Petroski.

“Having sailed these waters for years, I knew we’d be completely on our own at the location and that the ship itself would need to supply all power for the transmission. The broadcast went well with the engines running, with only the generator running, and even on battery power only. It was quite a technical success.”

You may listen to the show on this website’s Blog.

Keith’s personal finance show has aired for 16 years on KFYI, and for a total of 18 years in Arizona. Over the years, Keith has helped literally millions of listeners with their finances.

During the past six months, Keith, KFYI, and technicians from Comrex, KVH, Outbound Yacht Services, Alcom Electronics, Mission E Commerce, and PAE enterprises have worked to install state-of-the-art commercial-quality radio transmission capabilities aboard The Global Adventure.

“We also installed a complete broadcast studio, and an audio and video edit suite,” explained First Mate, Rip Knot. “The ship has its own WIFI system, so Keith can edit and refine website content from anywhere on the ship.”

“Being able to broadcast successfully while at sea is a big – big – part of the total Global Adventure dream,” Keith DeGreen added.

The first 20 minutes of Sunday’s broadcast were actually pre-empted by an ‘Evergreen’ show previously recorded by Keith, but only because the station itself – KFYI – had not yet established the necessary pre-program protocol to ensure they were ready for broadcast. They received The Global Adventure’s signal the entire time, however.

After the first 20 minutes, KFYI’s glitches were resolved and the show went – and stayed – live for the next 2 hours and 40 minutes. KFYI did an excellent job at identifying the problems on their end and at solving them quickly.

“And this is just the beginning,” Promises Keith. “There will be many, many more shows from all over the world – plus plenty of great video and text commentary. We hope everyone will enjoy the adventure!”


1 Comment so far

  1. Richard Bailey on March 29, 2007 12:43 pm

    Some nice photos, but several oriented at 90 or 270 degees to local vertical. Should be an interesting trip.


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