Keith’s Easter Sunday Show from 1200 miles SW of San Diego!
Posted by Keith on April 8, 2007 at 2:18 pm
Hour One:
-Update on The Global Adventure – Our first Week at sea.
-Is it time to switch to large-cap growth
-U.S. markets and a surprising jobs report
-A close look at IBM and globalization – Part I
Hour Two:
-A Random Walk Around the World: Iraq , Africa, Somalia , Argentina , Brazil , South Korea , and the U.S. heartland
-IBM and Globalization – Part II
-Calderon’s Excellent Progress in Mexico
-The Chinese Yuan, and the risks of investing in China
Hour Three:
-Update on the Global Adventure trip, and crew
-The importance of land ownership in China and around the world – Part I
-Land Ownership – Part II; and thoughts on AT&T
-The housing and sub-prime mortgage mess in the U.S.