Easter Sunday at Sea

Posted by Keith on April 8, 2007 at 12:55 pm  

25.35N // 139.20W

About 1400 Miles SW of San Diego

Heading 260 degrees for Honolulu

Today we celebrate Easter from a unique and breathtakingly beautiful perspective.

The same God who gave us his only Son also created this vast expanse of ocean we call the Pacific.

And He has given us this day.

Imagine you are aboard The Global Adventure at this moment. You are in shorts and a t-shirt. You’re wearing sandals, or going barefoot. All of the ship’s top-side hatches are open. The ship is filled with fresh air.

Now imagine the caress of a slight breeze, the whoosh of waves along your hull, the quiet reassuring hum of your engine, water so blue and lazy it looks like ink-colored Jell-O; all embraced by a radiant sky sporting the occasional cumulus cloud drifting slowly overhead.

We’ve even opened the forward hatches on the bow to permit more air below deck. This is a milestone of sorts, as it signals our arrival into the northern fringes of the tropics. But opening the bow hatches is only possible in seas this calm. We really could not ask for a more beautiful day.

All is quiet aboard. Rip and Wolf are snoozing in the main salon. Kate is making lunch. I’m on watch in the pilot house.

Most of us plan to watch The Passion of the Christ this evening, and all of us will be calling home to wish our loved-ones happy Easter.

On this unique and beautiful Easter Day, God’s hand is all around us. We proceed secure in the knowledge that His compass will guide us through whatever lies ahead.



1 Comment so far

  1. George & Pam Weaver on April 9, 2007 3:12 pm

    Godspeed, Keith & Crew. Have a wonderful experience and keep the blogs coming. You’ll be in our prayers.

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