“Close Your Eyes, Click Your Heels Twice, and Then Say…

Posted by Keith on April 19, 2007 at 8:10 am  

“…There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.”

OK, so I didn’t click my heels twice, but I did catch a red eye Tuesday night/Wednesday morning back to Phoenix. And there really is no place like home! Arrived in Phoenix early yesterday morning, and proceeded to have a great “family day”.

What required 12 days at sea westbound, from San Diego to Honolulu, took six hours eastbound non-stop from Maui to Phoenix (had to fly from Honolulu first). But sitting even for just six hours in a metal tube, 35,000+ feet above it all, with 300 of my closest personal hacking-wheezing-coughing friends, is nowhere near as fun as going anywhere aboard or Nordhavn 55 –The Global Adventure.

Rip and Wolf are busily preparing the ship for departure from Honolulu this Sunday, or as close thereto as possible. Next stop: Majuro, The Marshall Islands.

I’ll meet today with our website gurus to divine ways to provide faster-better-easier content for you, our loyal website visitors, and will fly back to Honolulu tomorrow morning. Stay tuned…



3 Comments so far

  1. Kermit Bressner on April 19, 2007 1:34 pm


    I am loving the voyage. I only wish I could be a deck hand to enjoy it first hand.

    Best wishes and a safe journey.


  2. Mike S on April 19, 2007 6:22 pm

    hopefully now you have a little more sympathy for those of us who have to fly those 300 plus people germ labs..and try and stay healthy while doing it. I just got home to HNL after a 3 day Shanghai trip and will be doing Friday night races at HYC. Hopefully I will be able to catch up in person and at least say hello.


    Mike S

    Mike, I do indeed!


  3. William Welch on April 20, 2007 2:55 pm

    What are your plans for replacing the chef? I was curious how she would work out with 3 men aboard and no one to share woman talk.


    Actually, we are already interviewing a likely candidate with significant at-sea experience. It’s all good.


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