video – Aft Deck Talk

Posted by Kate on April 11, 2007 at 12:12 pm  

Keith talking on the aft deck.


2 Comments so far

  1. Ric Felder on April 13, 2007 3:33 pm


    You’re doing a great job updating the website with your blog and videos …
    I feel like a kid checking it out everyday to see what’s new!

    What fun to enjoy your adventure vicariously, especially since it’ll be a couple years before Kim and I are able to cruise beyond So. CA.!

    Since you’re getting close to Hawaii … maybe you should think about changing your lure to something that works in those waters!When you catch something .. and you will … be sure to post a video of the catch … the struggle and the filets!

    Stay well,

    “Me Lucky”
    Kona Marina
    San Diego

  2. norma on April 15, 2007 12:17 pm

    No video came thru–did get some voice after a lot of clicking sounds. Today is Sunday(the 15th) and your program from Hawaii was very interesting.


    Sorry but it must be on your end. The video works fine on several computers I’ve tried. If you do not have the necessary software, it should pop up and offer to install it for you. Sorry you are having difficulty, but hope you will stick with us through the journey!


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