Eggs Benedict and College Roommates on the High Seas

Posted by Keith on April 5, 2007 at 11:19 am  

28.40.73N // 129.38.54W

About 680 Nautical Miles Southwest of San Diego

Today is picture perfect. Almost flat seas, warmer air and sea temperatures (the water temperature is up five degrees from when we left San Diego, to 64F, a gentle breeze under five knots, and clear blue skies ahead on our current course of 248 degrees. Thanks to our weather routing service, we seem to be threading the needle between two storm fronts: one directly to our east-southeast, and the other to our distant northwest. This is a far cry from our first 36 hours. Captain Wolf estimates we experienced 15-foot seas then. And spray even hammered the fly bridge the floor of which is about 15 feet above the water line.

But that was then and this is now. It is perfect!

By any standard, the Nordhavn 55 has a spacious interior. Still, having four of us aboard is reminiscent of college dorm days, except back then no one pulled night watch.

But the crew is getting along wonderfully. Captain Wolf is a serious and skilled mariner, and an excellent engineer. He is constantly checking and rechecking systems. Watching and helping him is a real education. First Mate Rip keeps diligently working on our communications gear, with the help of Kate, his unofficial granddaughter and family friend of many years; and every day we become more proficient at sending content back to the site.

Meanwhile, Kate keeps cooking, cooking cooking!

This morning we enjoyed eggs benedict. She pulled the recipe from The Joy of Cooking, and the result was something that would make Martha Stewart proud!

And for those of you who keep asking: I PROMISE you some onboard photos of the crew in action later today! We may even get lucky and have our first video posted today as well! Also, by early next week, when our stateside webmaster returns, we are going to start separate blogs on our site for both Rip and Kate. Captain Wolf says that writing is not his thing. Fair enough, but we’ll keep you posted on his musings as well.

More later…



2 Comments so far

  1. Nathalie Petrasko on April 5, 2007 1:08 pm

    Thank you for sharing your adventure with us !!!
    Awaiting the pictures of all of you !!!
    Got the parts needed from Bill as planned !!! Happy Easter to all !!!!
    Nathalie and Family.

  2. Roberto Avila on April 5, 2007 8:39 pm

    Keith & Crew,
    To this day, family and friends ask me to cook my “infamous” Spagetti/Tuna meal. It came to fruition a few years back while nearing the end of a passage from Cabo San Lucas to San Diego. The only stores left aboard were a couple gallons of water,two cans of white albacore, a package if spagetti, a small glass of capers, couple heads of garlic, black pepper, salt, olive oil and a jar of parmesan cheese. Here’s how I prepared it: I chopped the garlic while the spagetti was cooking in salted water and placed it with a 1/4 cup of olive oil in a deep frying pan over medium heat; removed the tuna from the cans into a bowl and separated with a fork; once the spagetti was done I drained it, washed it with cold water and placed it in the frying pan with the tuna; added a bit of salt and lots of black pepper while stirring over medium heat for three minutes; removed and placed the cooked spagetti in a large bowl, added the capers and parmesan cheese, mixed and served. Yam-yammm… it felt as the best meal we ever had. Tell Kate to try it.
    I am looking forward to following you on your adventure and plan on doing the same in the near future.
    Fair winds…
    Roberto Avila

    Thanks, Roberto. I’ll pass this on to Kate the Cook!

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